Okinawan Genealogical Society of Hawaii

Promote, preserve, and perpetuate our Okinawan family heritage through education, research, and networking.

What is the Okinawan Genealogical Society of Hawaii?

Inspired by a genealogy workshop in 1993 conducted by Dr. Bernice Hirai and the Hawaii Hiroshima Heritage Study Group, the Okinawan Genealogical Society of Hawaii was established in 1994 by a group of 2nd and 3rd generation Okinawans with a desire to preserve and perpetuate their cultural heritage for future generations. Currently with more than 100 members, we provide assistance in genealogical research, non-commercial translation service and preparation of family registration requests (koseki).

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Discover and connect to your Okinawan Family

Explore our large database of Okinawan Immigration Records, find other genealogy resources, and step by step guidelines on how to start your own genealogy research.

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